” Maintaining Security for International Peace and Economic Development ” focuses on providing advice on economic development, protection of social resources, improvement of livelihoods and creation of peaceful conditions to avoid conflicts around the world. Seeks to inspire with a concern for building peace in a humanitarian way. To build peace and socio-economic development, to eradicate poverty, to create communities that can grow in unity, to provide advice and assistance and to create and implement a peaceful world without war.


All human beings are born free, equal in birth, dignity and rights. They must be rational and conscientious. And act on each other with a sense of brotherhood. It is committed to providing the resources needed to make this happen, and to safeguard the human rights of people around the world and to promote peace and culture between nations. We stand with the victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom, to ensure that all human beings live an equal life, to protect the people from being treated inhumanely during wartime, to create a peaceful environment, and to render necessary assistance to the people. Those who abuse human resources must hold us accountable. We advise governments and those in power to end abusive practices and respect international human rights law. We urge the public and the international community to support the response of all to the humanitarian cause. To educate the people about the sustainability of economic development and to make it clear and affirmative through awareness to reduce poverty and eradicate poverty in this world.


Innovation – Forward thinking, planning and ours expanding boundaries.
Honesty – In what we do, say, and think Integrity and harmony with integrity.
Fun – Do whatever you do Have fun responsibly too.
Respect – What you expect to be treated Treat others better than you.
Passion – Successful enthusiasm, desire and commitment.
Quality – In providing service and humanitarian assistance we are proud to stand with You.
Teamwork – Giving equality to all gender let’s all win together.
Thrive – With us in our humanitarian work with the diversity of everyone who travels For growth and development in collaboration Commitment leads to success.